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Fact before Fiction

Book five of Fact or Fiction series



     Maxwell Atwood discovers he and his sister Madelyn are not as dissimilar as he once thought, he has been living with a forbidden secret, and in denial for most of his life so which of them he wonders is truly crazy.

     Tabby Gardner turned in her badge but she feels like a compass without a magnetic pole to give her direction. Her boyfriend Matt Fortes “the bartender” seems to be taking working two jobs better than she is handling the one she should be doing.

     Paul Lucien is wondering if it is too late to become a basket weaver as his new business DDA seems to be growing faster than he intended and what he was prepared for. He must deal with partners, one with feet of clay, and one who is suspiciously quiet, not to mention someone is apparently trying to kill him again.

     Captain is just trying to weather the storm and keep his ship afloat but all his bartenders seem to be working double duty.


                                  Welcome to the

                                      Shark Bait


Marshal Order

A Water City book


     Kalista Burke has no illusions about her job or the world she lives in, life is short, one misstep on the job as a U.S. Marshal, and she will be dead. She walks this path she chose with her white shadow, a Samoyed Husky, the only one she thought she could depend on.

     Elijah Blue is trying to escape his past of being a Marine, a Border Patrol Agent, and presently a U.S. Marshal. He moves around trying to forget but his new temporary partner is rather hard to forget, and the lover he never wants to loose. He follows her from Texas to the water city of Chicago but can he lure her to the desert of Arizona.