Madelyn Atwood takes the first opportunity to come along in a while to slip Mr. Perfect's and the FBI's leash to play detective with her new friend the chief of police. Her boyfriend's sister wants to go shopping like they are suddenly best friends and Rodney's mother turns out to be a Witch.

     Paul Lucien is having several bad days in a row. He is shot once again by a trusted friend, forced to take on an assistant, and Rodney's mother does not like his aura.

     Captain is worried about a missing bum, one of his bartenders tries to kill another of his bartenders, and as usual he is clueless about what is going on. Did someone mention a cult?

Welcome to

The Shark Bait

     Madelyn Atwood does not understand love but she has tried marriage twice and both of her previous husbands tried to kill her so why will this Navy guy not leave her alone. She actually may have to kill him before he tries to kill her.

     Adoniram Vito has tried love once and his ex wife ended up with everything he owned so he is not looking for love again until he found a woman so dark, so unique he just can't let her go.

     Simon (Captain) Russo just wants to run his bar but one female bartender is Mad At everyone, another male bartender is making eyes at a male FBI agent, and his other female bartender screams at the sight of her current boyfriend. Nobody said it would be easy to make a living running a bar but nobody told him one of his bartenders hunts and attracts serial killers either.

Welcome to

The Shark Bait



© 2019
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     Madelyn Atwood is still trying to adjust to having a man in her living space and now he wants to drag all his stuff in as well. Not to mention dealing with 'Ms. Mars' Mr. Perfect's assistant, 'Door' Captain's new hire, and Penny keeps wanting her to send things to her boyfriend over seas. Her life was much easier when all she had to do was find serial killers.

     Captain hires a homeless veteran but it seems the man might still be active duty. A friend goes MIA then so does one of his bartenders and it is getting so he cannot find any hired help these days.

Welcome to

The Shark Bait

      Tabby Gardner has spent her life avoiding men but now she finds herself living with one who annoys her like no other man can. She has spent the last few months working with a woman who calls her Ms. Mars and she has been asked if she is willing to turn in her FBI badge but she is not certain who she is without it.

     Matt Fortes returned form the dead but he is not certain if the woman he asked to live with him might shoot him accidentally, or on purpose. He left the military behind looking to make a new start but was pulled back in to help out a friend then he found a way to get the justice he himself and others were denied.

     Captain is worried when his bar hits a slump. Someone is spreading rumors about him but he comes up with the perfect plan to increase business and get a little payback.

Welcome to the Shark Bait


Fact before Fiction

Book five of Fact or Fiction series



     Maxwell Atwood discovers he and his sister Madelyn are not as dissimilar as he once thought, he has been living with a forbidden secret, and in denial for most of his life so which of them he wonders is truly crazy.

     Tabby Gardner turned in her badge but she feels like a compass without a magnetic pole to give her direction. Her boyfriend Matt Fortes “the bartender” seems to be taking working two jobs better than she is handling the one she should be doing.

     Paul Lucien is wondering if it is too late to become a basket weaver as his new business DDA seems to be growing faster than he intended and what he was prepared for. He must deal with partners, one with feet of clay, and one who is suspiciously quiet, not to mention someone is apparently trying to kill him again.

     Captain is just trying to weather the storm and keep his ship afloat but all his bartenders seem to be working double duty.


                                  Welcome to the

                                      Shark Bait